Speaker Profile

Jim Fehr, MD
Pediatrics Cardiology
Until June 2019, I was a Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics at Washington University and cared for children in the cardiac OR and in the pediatric Cardiac ICU. Working with these patients required interdisciplinary discussions and diplomatic communication skills to resolve conflicts as well as mastery of end-of-life counseling for families of dying children. I was also the director of the pediatric simulation center at St Louis Children’s Hospital and Assistant Ombuds at Washington University School of Medicine. In August 2019, I became Anesthesiologist-in-Chief at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital where I work in the Cardiacand General ORs as well as in the CVICU. In 2014, I was elected to the Board of Directors of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA). In 2019 I was appointed as Secretary Treasurer of the SPA and in October 2020 became the Vice-President. In October 2022 I will begin a 2-year term as SPA President.